Corporate Hosting Plan

  • Unlimited domains and subdomains
  • Dedicated IP and SSL included when applicable
  • Premium Tier 1 bandwidth ensures the best uptime in the industry
  • Over 300GB monthly transfer, with provision for more as needed
  • Up to 512MB PHP memory limit available for advanced script functions
  • Advanced DNS management
  • Easy website backup feature
  • Linux supported scripting languages

$420.00 + tax annually ($35.00 + tax/month)

Software Specifications

Scripting languages supportedPHP w/ full libraries and flexible memory allocation to handle more demanding web applications. Flexible solutions to meet almost any need.
Web ServerFull suite of supporting modules available to ease and optimize your website or web application for both advanced memory and database caching.

Other Features

SchedulerEasily configure CRON events/jobs
SecuritySSL ready

Ask us about our Website Maintenance or Corporate Assurance Plan.